When you connect two dice to form the heart image, you are HeartMarking. When you connect other dice to complete other images, you are also HeartMarking. It's a state of mind, and a way of life.
2 Dice Games: 1-multiple players
1. Luck: Mix and toss the dice. Try to connect them to complete a heart on top. See if you have any more hearts on other sides. You get one point for each complete heart.
a. When competing against other players, add up the number of hearts to see who gets the the most points.
b. You may lose your dice to another player if your dice cannot form a heart on top.
c. Winner of the game can feel superior for the day, or you may choose to physically earn other people's dice.
2. Brain Teaser:
a. You are an inquisitive individual who thinks you'll earn good fortunes in life by your efforts more than by luck. Either that, or you're looking for a fun distraction from the daily grind. Take time to play with the two dice to find a way to make a heart all the way around. There are only two possible combinations to achieve that. Will you find them today?
4-Dice Games: 1 player
1. Luck: Mix and toss the dice.
a. Try to connect the dice to create a 2by2 square. See if you can get all the hearts to face in--4 points, and you will have good energy and good fortune! If you can get all 4 hearts to face out, you get 4 points and the satisfaction that you sent out much positive energy to the world. If one heart faces out and the others in, then you created an arrow that points the energy in one direction. Three points. If two hearts face one way, and two hearts face another way, you may also earn 3 points. If you can only make two hearts, then you earn 2 points, one heart gives you one point, and no heart connections will give you zero points. It's actually rare to manage to get zero hearts to connect. To achieve that, all four dice must land on the same side that's either the one where all of the parts are the left side or all of the parts are the right side of the heart, so that's 1 out of 648 rolls. So you're a very fortunate loser! You may also choose to count the hearts that you get from the view from the side and get bonus points for each connection. If all the hearts connect in every direction everywhere top and all around, then you earn 100 points.
b. Build a tower or row of 1by 4. How many hearts can connect on top? How many hearts connect all the way around? Count the points for every heart, and if all connect all the way around purely by luck, give yourself 100 points!
2. Patiently:
a. Search for a way to assemble four dice to create a 2 by 2 square. See if you can get all the hearts on top to face in. Continue to explore your favorite arrangements to complete the image as many times on top in various orientations, as well as the ultimate challenge--to complete the heart all the way on top, around, and on the bottom! This is a spatial puzzle that can take some time! If you like to give yourself points, you may count each heart connection as a point.
b. Explore your ability to build a tower, or a row. Can you build one with a heart in every direction all the way around? If you have a total of 8 dice, you may also try to build a 2by4 tower. See if all the sides will connect at every edgy meeting!
4-Dice Games: 2 or more players where each one has 4 dice:
1. Luck: Mix and toss the dice.
a. Assemble dice in a 2 by 2 formation, careful to complete all images from the top view, while you are not allowed to flip any dice to another side, by accident or on purpose. Compete who is first to create a 2 by 2 with as many hearts connecting as possible. Receive a point for winning the most heart connections. The first one to call "stop" wins if all their hearts connect accurately and the other player has not finished. However, if the other player finished but did not call "stop" first and has more hearts, then the player who said "stop" loses. The winner can get a point for winning, or keep all the dice, or get as many points as the number of hearts, depending on the game choice. This is the first game ever played with this invention, (whereby the winner earned a point.)
b. Assemble dice in a row of 4. The first one to finish calls stop. The player with the most hearts or who finished first wins.
Toss two dice.
Bring the dice together to HeartMark. You may try any one of the four sides, but you may not change the face that's up.
If the dice cannot make a connection on top, there is no kiss.
If the dice HeartMark on top but nowhere else, the boy kisses the girl on the cheek.
If the dice HeartMark on top and in one other place, the girl kisses the boy on the cheek.
If the dice HeartMark on three sides, the boy kisses the girl on the lips for a split second.
If the dice HeartMark all the way around, both kiss on the lips for 4 seconds.
Did you know? The first Edgy Dice were sold under the name Sponaps! Below is the first sheet of game rules ever shown at the Farmer's Market in Scottsdale, AZ.